Thank you for letting others know about your recurring ride or event.

Fill out the form below to have your ride or event posted on

If you have multiple rides, on different days, from different locations, then please submit each ride separately.  It helps people search more accurately.

Use the form below to submit rides or upcoming events.

Rides must be recurring each month.  Events can be special holiday rides, Ride of Silence, mass rides, charity events or competitive events.  Most submissions are posted on within 1-2 working days.

You can tab through the form below, making it easier and faster.


We look forward to hearing about your ride(s) or event. 

We value your privacy. We will not post your name or email with the ride posting. This is just in case we have a question.

Event Info

mm/dd/year a.m. or p.m.
Example: 10/32/62 miles

Recurring Ride Info

Check each day this ride rolls.
a.m. or p.m.
This can be a range such as 20-23 miles.
Example: 16-18 mph or multiple paces
Example: 2nd and 4th Mondays

Additional Info for the Ride or Event

Also include if the start is in a preserve or park, such as Sebring, FL - Sun & Lakes Preserve.
This should be a URL for a website, Facebook, Meetup or other online address.
We include a ride or event logo to help attract attention to postings.
Please select the top 2 ways you heard.

Contact us if you have any questions

Email:  bruce @