Upcoming Cycling Events Across Florida

Road | Triathlons | Gravel | MTB | Gran Fondo 


Cycling events usually have multiple pace groups.  Pick an event and distance to challenge yourself to a new level of fitness.
Search through the listing below by date, event, location and type.

February 8, 2025Honor RideSt. Petersburg, FLHonor Ride TampaRoad - 5/25/38/61 miles
February 8, 2025CROOMFEST 2025Brooksville, FLSwamp MTB ClubMTB - 30/50 miles
February 15-16, 2025Bike SebringSebring, FLbike_sebring_logoRoad - 6/12/24 hours!
February 15, 2025Royal Palm Challenge - GravelPunta Gorda, FLRoyal Palm Challenge 2025Gravel - multiple distances
February 16, 2025Royal Palm Challenge - RoadFort Myers, FLRoyal Palm Challenge 2025Road - 20/40/62 miles
February 16, 2025Cycle4Alz.orgMelbourne, FLCycle for Alz orgRoad - 10/33/62/100 miles
February 16, 2025Fort DeSoto TriathlonSt. Petersburg, FLFort De Soto TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint/Olympic
June 1, 2025Fort DeSoto TriathlonSt. Petersburg, FLFort De Soto TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint/Olympic
August 24, 2025Fort DeSoto TriathlonSt. Petersburg, FLFort De Soto TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint/Olympic
October 19, 2025Fort DeSoto TriathlonSt. Petersburg, FLFort De Soto TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint/Olympic
February 16, 2025Suwannee Sweetheart RideWhite Springs, FLSuwannee Bicycle Association logoRoad - 25/52/62/100 miles
February 16, 2025Bike Ride CenturyInverness, FLBike City Century Inverness FLPaved Trail - 14/28/48/62 miles
February 22, 2025Dolphins Cancer ChallengeMiami Gardens, FLDolphins Cancer ChallengeRoad - 13/39/54/99 miles
February 22, 2025Ride It DownTitusville, FLRide It Down Titusville FLRoad - Choose your distance up to 40 miles
February 23, 2025Tough Biker Fallen Officer RideOrlando, FLTough Biker Fallen OfficerRoad - 66 miles
February 23, 2025Jean Heuschen Memorial RideNaples, FLJean Heuschen Memorial Ride NaplesRoad - 50K/100K/200K
March 1, 2025Dirty PecanMonticello, FLDirty PecanGravel - 30/60/80/100/150/200 miles
March 1, 2025Bloomin Bike RideBartow, FLBloomin Bike Bartow 2025Road - 15/36/65 miles
March 2, 2025Gravel Miami 2025Miami, FLGravel Miami 2Gravel - 30/56/107 miles
March 7-9 2025Santos Fat Tire FestivalOcala, FLSantos Fat Tire Festival 2025MTB - Single track and gravel trails
March 8, 2025Scratch Ankle Gravel Race & RideMilton, FLScratch Ankle reducedGravel - 23/60/100/200 miles
March 8, 2025Space Coast Triathlon/DuathlonCocoa, FLSpace Coast TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint
March 15, 2025Spoonbills and SprocketsPalm Coast, FLSpoonbills and SprocketsRoad - 15/37/62/100
March 22, 2025Cycle Jam for KidsMelbourne Beach, FLCycle Jam for KidsRoad - 8/32/48 miles
March 22, 2025Pedal and PlayPunta Gorda, FLPedal and Play Punta GordaRoad - 10/15/30/62 miles
March 22, 2025Clean Air RideInverness, FLClean Air Ride 2025Trail - 14/28/48/62/100 miles
March 23, 2025Gran Fondo FloridaDade City, FLGran Fondo FloridaRoad - 35/60/100 miles
March 23, 2025Tour de ParksVenice, FLTour de Parks VeniceTrail and Road - 21/35/53 miles
March 29, 2025Bike MS: Suncoast Challenge 2025Lakewood Ranch, FLBike MSRoad - 25/50/70/100 miles
March 29-30, 2025Santa Fe Century and GravelGainesville, FLGainesville Cycling FestivalRoad and Gravel - various distances
March 30, 2025Tour de CureOrlando, FLTour de CureRoad - 10/25/50/63/101 miles
March 30, 2025Miami 100 Metric RideHomestead, FLMiami 100Road - 20/42/62 miles
April 1, 2025Cycle Jam to the BeachPalm Coast, FLCycle to the BeachRoad - 47/62/71miles
April 13, 2025GFNY MiamiMiami, FLGFNY MiamiRoad - 35/70 miles
April 26, 2025Bike to the BeachMiami, FL to the KeysBike to the Beach logoRoad - 20/50/100 miles
May 10, 2025Ironman 70.3 Gulf CoastPanama City, FLIronman Gulf Coast 2025Triathlon - Half Ironman
June 1, 2025Tour d MelonChiefland, FLTour de MelonRoad and Trail - 25/50/100 miles
July 13, 2025Wheels and WingsPunta Gorda, FLWheels and Wings 2025Road and Trail - 15/31/50/62 miles
October 12, 2025Space Coast Triathlon/DuathlonCocoa, FLSpace Coast TriathlonTriathlon - Sprint

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