A personal note from Bruce Johnson at Florida Cycling
I’m glad you’ve discovered FloridaCycling.us. This website and our companion email eNewsletter were created to provide a comprehensive place for cycling enthusiasts in Florida to stay informed, motivated and connected to the Florida cycling scene and beyond.
We’re committed through these two integrated resources to be the go-to source where Florida cyclists stay current on:
- upcoming cycling events
- 100’s of great trails and routes
- special cycling rides happening across the state
- where to find cycling clubs across Florida
- news and information to inspire and inform
- some light-hearted perspectives to make you smile
- conditions in the Florida cycling ecosystem
- ideas to break up your routine rides and prevent boredom
- suggestions and experiences of other cyclists as they post comments
What Prompted FloridaCycling.us?
I’ve been cycling with groups for over 30 years including century charity rides, triathlons, MTB, gravel and special events.
However, when I moved to South Central Florida, I had to start all over to find group rides and events that fit my pace. I spent hours researching to find great trails and routes to explore. I searched online, talked to bike shops and randomly talked with a group of riders.
Then this idea popped up.
Why not create a website and newsletter dedicated to listing group bike rides, events and routes that would be the one place, the one source, where fellow cyclists could find “their ride” and save them hours of searching.
Our name, FloridaCycling.us says who we are. While “.us” is the domain which stands for United States, it also means “us” – those of us who make up the Florida cycling community.
Whether you are on two wheels, three wheels, on a road bike, mountain bike, gravel bike, or an e-bike, you are one of “us”. Whatever your pace and preferred distance you are part of “us”.
What’s with the Ibis Bird Mascot?
One day while searching online for rides, with not much luck, I looked out the window of our Florida home. A flock of ibis walked across our lawn. Their orange beaks and legs and white feathers are striking.
Soon they took off in group flight. Beautiful. They clearly love to flock and fly together. Voila! Our mascot was adopted. Just like ibises, we want Florida cyclists to discover the fun of flocking together, be it on roads, MTB trails, or gravel trails.
Enjoy searching FloridaCycling.us, as your go-to-place to stay inspired and engaged in a healthy sport for a lifetime. Subscribe to our eNewsletter. It’s delivered directly into your inbox. Subscribe for free or upgrade to a paid subscription for full access.
Hope to see you out there on the roads, trails and paths. There’s lots to explore in Florida!
Ride often. Ride safe.
Bruce Johnson | Creator, Editor
Bruce @floridacycling.us
“We welcome any feedback, suggestions, ideas and encouragement. Feel free to email,
Bruce @floridacycling.us”.
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Covering Florida and nearby states.
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